Apparently I only update for the memes...xD

well, nothing blog-worthy's happenin at skul anywayz, I see PSL-san everyday, fall's officially started and there are yellow-orange leaves everywhere, and it's cold... but besides that nothing much >.<>.<

And now the meme...

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. I wish I could see you again someday...ah basta pagbalik ko ha-hunting-in kita!! waaahahaha wala kang takas xD (stalker much? xD)
2. *sniff* dude, you dont know how much I miss singing your disney songs and your hyperness...this time with Nelda xD gud luck on your situation xDD
3. Dude, saya ng chat last time :) hope we can sing/chat again like that soon :D buti naman nahawa kita sa patd madness xDD
4. ONLINE KA NGA!! xD I have too many things to flail makakalimutan ko xD
5. duuuuuudes, miss y'all *glomps*
6. *shyly waves*...notice me? x______x
7. awww, im not catching you online anymore...>.<
8. Thanks for always replying to my emails :)
9. im gonna make you like patd and fob no matter wat, bwaahahahah xDD
10. Can I have your autograph? LOL xD

NINE things about yourself:
1. I miss the Philippines
2. I feel really conscious of myself but dont do anything about it x_x
3. I talk a lot. usually it annoys my classmates.
4. But I know how to listen once in a while, anyway.
5. I love cats
6. Bandom is like a drug to me. Well, I'm addicted to it, anyway.
7. I write stories. Somehow almost all my several-part fanfiction always goes discontinued though
8. I often daydream, I call it my IMT: Inner Mind Theater. Usually involves what if statements with me and any current addiction xD
9. I've been writing in diaries since 2006

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Be nice/kind
2. Understand.
3. Love music. (even if it's not what I rally like xD)
4. Be ready to listen.
5. and care.
6. Be there for me
7. Don't keep me in the dark. I'll be angrier if you did.
8. Love me.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. What if... (goes into IMT mode)
2. What do I need to do?
3. What do we have today
4. A song, usually bandom
5. I wish I was back home; wonder what theyre doing?
6. When can I go online again?
7. [while reading a story] now, what if this is a fanfic, who would be who..... xD

SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
1. take a bath/shower
2. brush my teeth
3. use laptop/sometimes update
4. Write in NB
5. Close my eyes
6. Wish myself bandom dreams

FIVE people you can't live without. (friends, not family)
1. Citrine
2. Nelda
3. Darlene
4. My other kiao tiong peepz
5. Mara, and my online peepz

FOUR things you're wearing right now.
1. glasses
2. blue shirt
3. jogging pants
4. headphones

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly.
1. Folkin Around by Panic at the Disco
2. I'd Do Anything by Simple Plan
3. I'm Just A Kid by Simple Plan

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. See my fav bands in conert
2. Go back to the Philippines

ONE confession:1. I love slash. Like, so much. I still like het too, but yeah xD


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