PG-13 meme

Pick 12 random slashable characters in any order:
1. Pete Wentz
2. William Beckett
3. Fay D. Flourite
4. David DesRosiers
5. Patrick Stump
6. Brendon Urie
7. Kurogane
8. Ryan Ross
9. Gabe Saporta
10. Gerard Way
11. Pierre Bouvier
12. Frank Iero

~now that's really random xP

~Does 10 strike you as a voyeur and/or an exhibitionist?
ermm...sometimes? xD

Who in all the multiverse would 11 most likely bottom to?
tough question...Pete Wentz? LOL.

Would you rather do 3 or 5?
...Fay xDD sorry Patrick, ur still adorable to me!

Which of 4 and 1 would you rather have do you?
...David xD (I'm totally betraying my first bandom band here xD)

12 and 2 are having sex in an airplane. Construct a snippet of dialogue that happens during this encounter.
Frank: please?
Bill: Fine
Frank: Yes!
Bill: Wait, right now?
Frank: duh.
(srsly i cant for the life of me write pr0n, ok!?)

Where are 5 and 9 most likely to have sex? Who on your list is most likely to write a trashy novel about it?
hmm either in the recording studio or wherever they made Viva La Cobra xP aaand Pete would write something about that? and maybe brendon and ryan read it like the fanboys theyre supposed to be? x____x

When 12 masturbates, he thinks about...

What is 11's favourite sex toy? idea.

Come up with a title for a 12/7/1 threeway. Would you read it? Would you write it? What would some of the warnings be?
Ninja Threesome =)) I would read it, it's amusing xD I can't write above PG-13, but I would love to give the pairing a try xD

Who's more likely to be tied up during consensual sex, 2 or 6?
Probably...Brendon. William's still possible...but nah, Brendon xP

If 11 and 3 are carrying on a torrid and forbidden love affair, who's most likely to spill the beans? What would the other person do to retaliate?
*taking a moment to imagine* I guess Pierre's going to accidentally spill it, hurting Fay, but Pierre apologizes, takes a while, but theyre happy out together once again xD

As a birthday present, 7's longtime lover 5 offers to do whatever 7 wants in bed. What's 7's secret birthday wish?
I dunno...xD something around chains...and maybe ginryuu wahhaa xD

Choose a food item for 4 and 12 to use together.
Bananas. just random. and i just remembered a vid of david eating that xD

8 and 4 are in a full-time relationship. Who's the top?
oh, hard xD Ryan? I actually thought David but somehow I cant imagine it x__x both ways, I guess.

Which fetish is 9 least likely to indulge?
...none. xD j/k

What would you do if you had 8 naked, willing, and ready in your bed? What would 5 do if he had 8 naked, willing and able in his bed?
oh yeah bring it on xDD. I think Patrick's gonna blush at first, but I think he's gonna do it anyway xD

What wouldn't 10 and 4 tell their friends about their sex life, assuming they had both a mutual sex life and some friends?
erm...xD they include frank iero sometimes? *read a fic like that xD*

10 gets a tattoo to declare his eternal love for 9. Where is it? What does it say?
something probably about a cobra, the word GABE, and hearts, maybe.

Imagine that 2 writes an erotic 11/6 fic. What sort of summary might the fic he writes have?
Bill writes Pierre/Brendon, nice >.<. Pierre meets Brendon through their warped tour mates (aka pete wentz)

If 8 walked into the room wearing nothing but a red thong and a feather boa, how would 2 react?
probably blush just a little, says he's so hot with that oufit and...xD (sorry, I'm actually laughing with the idea...ROFLMAO Ryan xDD)


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