next craze--!!

Hi! I'm currently reading the Original Warriors Series Book 3: The Forest of Secrets. And I'm getting so hooked xD I visited the website (careful to not stare at too many spoilers) and LOL look there's a which Clan you should be in and what should be your warrior name. The Clan one has a test and LOL I'm in ShadowClan (ambitious, proud and independent!?) but the warrior name is almost completely random you enter your name and hometown and guess what I got? BRIGHTNOSE. hahah. no, please, i dont want any name with 'nose' in it, thank you xD (though the joke on RunningNose being Shadowclan medicine cat still makes me laugh right now)

But still I cant help but notice the similarities between Warriors and Harry Potter *sees people rolling their eyes* come on! Rusty/Firepaw/Fireheart was once a kittypet but became a warrior, just like Harry Potter being a wizard. The relationship between Bluestar and Fireheart strangely reminds me of Harry and Dumbledore o.O oh and the CLANS. there's 4 of them. 4. DUH. i've already got it figured out. ThunderClan (FIERCE and BRAVE)=Gryffindor
RiverClan (CLEVER and strong)=Ravenclaw (haha, Ravenclaw. that can be a warrior name. ok next)
WindClan (swift and LOYAL)=Hufflepuff,
ShadowClan (Wily and PROUD)=Slytherin.

see? wait, does that mean I'm a SLYTHERIN!? nooooooooooooo xDD oh well im HouseMates with Mara then! xDD


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