
TOPIC ONE: Biggest Turn-Offs By A Guy/Girl
[x] Bitchy/Jerky Personality
[x] Swears Alot
[x] Acts Stupid
[ ] Too Smart
[ ] Too Dumb
[ ] Talkative
[x] Brags Alot
[ ] Too Many Mood Swings
[x] Backstabber
[x] Playerette/Player
[x] Messy Appearance
[x] Smells Terrible
[ ] Too Fat
[ ] Too Skinny
[x] A Bit Too Much Facial Hair or Body Hair
[x] Stinky Breath
[ ] Braces
[ ] Likes To Do Risky Things
[x] Liar
[x] Bossy
[x] Unreasonable
[x] Slut
[x] Two Faced
[ ] Thinks They Are Everything
[ ] Clingy
[x] Too serious
[x] Too relaxed
[ ] Emo

TOPIC TWO: What I Seek In A Guy/Girl
[ ] Perfect Smile
[x] Great Personality
[ ] Always Smiling
[x] Doesn't take you for granted
[x] Loves you more than you love them
[x] Always beside you when you needed them
[x] Great listener
[x] Gives you surprises all the time
[ ] Looks
[ ] Your opinion of a perfect body shape
[x] Keeps your secrets
[x] Comfortable to talk to
[x] First person you can always turn to when you have a problem
[x] Always there to give a hug when you feel down
[x] Makes you believe that true love does exist in this world
[x] Keeps promises
[x]Can tell anything to
[x] Not only your bf/gf but also you closest bff

TOPIC THREE: Something you might do when you get nervous around your crush
[x]Blank Out
[ ] Shake
[ ] Starts to giggle out of nowhere
[x] Walks faster than you usually do
[x] Start tripping over your words
[x] Don't know what to say or do
[x] Scare to look at them in the eyes
[ ] Plays with your fingers
[ ] Stares at the ceiling or ground
[x] Bites on your lower lip
[ ] Sweats
[x] Feel light headed
[x] Heart beats faster than usual
[ ] Takes deep breath
[ ] Leaves right away
[xxxxxx]Always end up saying something weird (ahhahah xD)

TOPIC FOUR: Fill in the blank
1) I don't like _________ guys/girls.
annoying, disrespectful

2) I am currently ________.
numb. partly bummed. but mostly bored

3) Maybe if i told her i like/love him/her, he/she might __________.
I DO NOT KNOW. He might say it back, he might just....keep quiet. >_>

4) My parents are ______.

5) I love to __________ when i am bored.
read fanfiction, flail, sing

6) Music makes me ______.
hyper happy elated ecstatic :)

7) I am dreaming about ___________.
how high school would be like.

8) I wish that ___________ will appear in front of me right now.
PATRICK. AHAAHHAHAHHA KIDDING. my very own cellphone :D

9) I have been thinking too much about _________ and i am ____________.
dxs, pretty anxious for his answer

10) I want to ______.
see dxs :(

TOPIC FIVE: Answer it yourselves
1) Ever wanted to tell someone something but ended up keeping it in again because you weren't brave enough to?
hmm i think so? But then I finally did, out of compulsiveness, and I do not regret it xD

2) Have a question you want to asked someone but you already know what the answer was?
i dont know. I dont actually know the answer

3) Wanted to ask someone something but you are too scared to know what the answer is?

4) Believed in forever?
think so

5) Broken a promise that you promised you never will break it?

6) Disappointed someone really badly?
yeah, i guess?

7) Felt confused about something and didn't know what to do?

8) Hoped that someone is by your side right now?

9) Ever wanted to go back to where things were great for you?
yeah. I wanna go back to Steele Heights. hahaha xD

10) Loved someone you shouldn't?
nope xD

TOPIC SIX: True or False

Played with someones feelings? -T
Hated someone you really loved? -T?
Tried to stop yourself from liking someone you shouldn't? -T
Hurt a friend? -T
Did something you know you shouldn't? -T
Regretted something you did recently? -IDK
Lied and said you were happy when you were actually feeling terrible? -T?
Faked a smile? -T
Faked a laugh? -T? xD
Hid your true emotions? -T
Someone told you that you were important to them? -IDK?
Someone stabbed you in the back? -T
Someone you trust betrayed you? - T
Wanted to restart life again? - T
Said something that you didn't mean it? -T
"I love you" is something you wouldn't say easily, unless you really mean it? -T
TOPIC SEVEN: Longer Answers

How was your week?
...boring. But it was a good fanfic reading week :)

Name something funny that happened this week:
can I name something from last week? BRANDON AND CHRIS SHOPPING XDD

Two things you want people to know about you:
1) I am a paranoid indecisive bitch :D
2) I love ice cream.

Something you did that was really stupid this week:
i don't know. i do stupid things all the time.

Something you wanted to do this upcoming week:
get ready for school xP

Something you dislike ALOT:
being alone

Something you are looking forward to:
the first few days of school :D

Something you really wanted to say to a special someone:
I love you and I wish you love me enough.

Something you want to tell your friends:

Something that made you laugh your heart out this week:
hmm. oh oh that vid Mesh showed me :D the saranghae game! xD

Something you created this week:
....a plurk. a poem :)

Something you are thinking about right now before this note ends:
I love Spencer's voice. I wish I can hear it in real life xD


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