A link to this blog was posted in my facebook profile ages ago. I dont think anybody has seen this blog yet. Wonder who actually lurks... (yes, it'll be really sad if creepy!stalker is actualling lurking here and not telling me >_<)

So. i was randomly depressed for the past few days. Still am, a bit, but I'm more okay now xD After rereading some of my real journal entries (omg! getting distracted! apir FAIL! getting hit by a branch! taking the bus just to be with me! SH open house 2009 xD)

1. Kitty is busy in the summer. Obviously that makes me sad. (dude, if you're reading this, DONT SAY SORRY IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT XDD) and so is mostly every one of my friends.
2. Summer school may be okay, but I dont know anyone. schoolmates dont count, it's even more awkward around them (dammit! I KNEW I shouldve dragged Justine into this x_x)
3. CALM itself. It's impressive I haven't felt overwhelmed enough to cry yet, but I can feel it building up. Nowadays I have the urge to cry but not enough to really cry.
4. Sleepover ban. NEED I SAY MORE? Basically my parents not allowing to sleep over anybody's house. EVER. because it's not part of our custom DAW. please. all the pinoy ppl ive asked so far are allowed to sleep overs (in which my dad reasons with "how about chinese?" and goes on about how strict my grandma was) I had a huge argument with them on wednesday, and I still lost. They're really firm on their position. *sigh* darn. (I would rant more, but this is not the post for it)

So....yeah. sorry for ending this entry on a sad note xD I need to read more fanfiction.


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