What are your chances of getting with your crush?
uhm. haha. pretty high? xD it already happened?

Ever slept in the same bed with the opposite sex?
that is not a family member or relative? nope

Are you keeping a big secret right now?
maybe. maybe not. *shifty eyes*

How many posters do you have in your room and of what?
4: 1 big SP, PatD, FOB, CS, and smaller posters beside my drawer of FOB, PatD and Pete

Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room?
write stuff, draw stuff, read, organize xD

Do you have a gay friend?

Do you own a strapless bra?
yep, but i dont wear it often

Do you have a worst enemy?

If you had a baby with the last person you texted, what would the baby's last name be?
uh. not possible xD Ryanne if it's a girl xD dunno what to name if it's a guy

Do you like Canada?
actually, now? YEAH. :D

Who do you live with?

What's your boyfriend/girlfriend’s name?
my grenade jumper, kitty xD

Are your parents protective of you?

What's one action you do when you're really nervous?
cross my arms protectively over myself?

What's the last number you've entered into your cell phone?

Have you ever talked back to a teacher?

Is money important to you?
just right. not too important but id like to have money too thanks

How much time per day do you have to relax and be alone?
probably a few hours, depends on schoolwork

Do you prefer to be around people, or by yourself?
depends on who it is, but most probably myself

Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself?
nope. just rarely if i get a good pic of me

Do you think you'll get along better with your siblings when you get older?
hopefully. i do not know.

Would you rather give up the computer or the TV?
TV. i need a computer.

Does internet gossip ever end in you sitting in tears at the computer desk?
errr no

Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk or high?

Do you think it is bad to have sex at your age?

Do you find yourself happy at this point?
yep xD

Do you lie about your age?
not in person. just when registering in some sites

What did you last cry over?
growing up. LOL xD

Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
*thinks* gasp! maybe?

Where were you last night?
where i am now xD

What is today's date?
May 25

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
dunno xD no one?

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?

Anyone crushing on you?
ha xD yeah?

What is your relationship status?
just taken. secretly taken.

Has anyone ever sang to you?
hmm *thinks* my chatmate Josh xD

Has anyone ever given you roses?
i dont think so *sad* xD

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
i...i dunno. if there arent any predators xD

How do you make your money?
err parents for the moment xD

What is your favourite colour?
blueviolet. it's a specific shade/range/hue of purple!!

What colour are your eyes?
black/very dark brown

What is a compliment you receive often?
hmm. i dunno xD "that's so funny"? xD


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